Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Bio-Identical Progesterone Journey To Defeat The Evil Peri-Menopause Monster - A 30 Day Adventure!

Day: 1 - March 21st

Well...I have finally done it!  After holding onto my bottle of Bio-Identical Progesterone Capsules since last July...I have begun my journey into taking them and charting my progress in my Peri-Menopause journey to hell and back!

I took my first dose last night, shortly before going to bed.  After taking it...I was fully expecting my body to freak out on me, but, thankfully, it remained mostly calm.  I laid down and prayed for a positive outcome.

This morning, I initially woke at 7am...but had slept from around 1am till then, without getting up.  That would tell me that it allowed me to rest more solidly.  Although I did still need a bit more sleep, so I laid back down another 2 hours and woke naturally at 9am.  I felt pretty much the same as I do normally when I wake...foggy-headed, dizzy, tired and that came as no surprise and wasn't any different from the day before I took the Progesterone.

As the day progressed, I did find the pressure behind my eyes got pretty it does when my hormones are wacky and higher.  I found that later on the pressure got less and now it is more bearable.  Is it from the Progesterone?  I have no idea yet.  But I am glad it did go away somewhat.

It has now been about 17 hours since I took that first dose and I am still as functional as I was before we shall see what tonight's dose will bring when tomorrow comes.  Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.

Day: 2 - March 22nd

Day 2 in my journey and here comes the symptoms!  I am as nauseated as I was when I was pregnant with my daughter.  Ironically, I woke up and started to think, "Wow, my head feels less cloudy.  Perhaps, this will work out, after all."

No such luck, as my nausea began within my first half hour of waking and continued to grow and grow.  I also began feeling pain in my stomach and aching in my back and joints.  The lessened fogginess began reverting and before you know it, I was being asked if I felt ok, that I looked like crap.

Oh joy!  *sigh*  I should have known this wouldn't be easy.

Update: As the day progressed, my symptoms waxed and waned, telling me they were trying to pass and that my body was adjusting.

Day: 3 - March 23rd

Woke up, feeling okay.  As the first hour wound down, I did begin to feel a little off...but it didn't take more than a couple more hours to pass.  I would have to say today was major progress!  I was able to run a lot of errands and start "Spring Cleaning!"  Not full of energy, but a bit more of my drive and optimism is slowly returning.

Didn't feel quite as dizzy or groggy, so I am hoping the hormonal balancing will get me back to the "Energizer Bunny" I once was.  We shall see.  Till then, I remain optimistic and hopeful that this is the path I was meant to take to regain my health and get my "groove" back! ;)

Day: 4 - March 24th

Another good day!  No more nausea and starting to slowly improve on getting my old drive back.  Was a VERY productive day!  Got a lot accomplished and made a fabulous chicken dinner to boot!  Not much else to say, but so far, so good!  

Feeling very, very up about the outcome thus far.  Still hoping my brain fog improves and that my energy level comes back to normal.  Going to focus on getting my "Spring Cleaning" done, then adding a more routine exercise plan to the mix!  Keep your fingers crossed and continue to pray for me!  Thanks!

Day: 5 - March 25th 

Another day into this...getting closer to a week now.  I did do a bit of an experiment to see how well I can tolerate caffeine while taking the Progesterone and it appears it still makes my body a buzzing mess.  Bums me out, because I am a huge coffee and tea fan and my body has not been able to tolerate it much from the point I started having these hormone issues.  Although I am also on a BP med, so it could be a combination of that, as well.  Or maybe I am not giving it enough time.  So I will see if my tolerance improves the longer I am on the Progesterone.

Had about the same day I did the day before, except that I had a decent deal of drama happening right before my radio show, which riled up my already buzzing system.  Why is it all the drama always happens to me on the day of my show?  It makes things more tense...argh! far it's going okay.  I am wondering when I should considering upping the dosage or if I should just stay put where I am for awhile longer.  I should consult the pharmacist again after a week and see what she thinks.

Day: 6 - March 26th

Felt about the same today as yesterday.  Really not anything too earth-shattering to report.  So, I guess that's good.  My sleep got broken up, so I know I will pay for that...I usually do.  And my hours have been too late again.  Since I am able to tolerate staying up later, though the Progesterone makes me feel a little sick if I stay up to late, I seem to still be pushing it.  Have to turn that around again and get back my morning hours.  Will give the update tomorrow.

Day: 7 - March 27th

Not a great day.  Woke up later than I wanted, after another late night and felt a little more off than usual.  As the day progressed, I started feeling more out of it...not well.  Not sure if it's the Progesterone building in my system or if it's just my first PMS time with Progesterone supplementation.  I guess time will tell and I will hopefully feel even better, unless it's causing my Estrogen to rev up from too low a dose of Progesterone.  Today made a full week.  I think I will call the Pharmacist and ask her opinion.  Or maybe I should just wait it out another week and see if things improve when and if my period finally decides to come along.

Day: 8 - March 28th

This day was pretty much like the one before it.  Nothing too different.  Still waiting on my period and wondering when it will decide to get here.  Other than that...not much to report.  But I am over the 1 week hump and still going, so I guess that is progress, right?

Day: 9 - March 29th

Again...just about the same as the last day.  I guess that's good, but, unfortunately, I am still not feeling less fatigued.  Maybe a little less dizzy, but not so great in the tired department.  Stayed up way too late again.  Drama keeping me awake.  No one's fault, really...just life.  And sometimes life can really suck.

I have to say, though, if I stay up too late while on this Progesterone, I get really pukey, more than normal for staying up too late.  It kinda makes me bloated, too.  I already have had bloat on and it's very unwelcomed.  I guess the only thing to do is try to get back on schedule again.

Day: 10 - March 30th

Really just the same as the last day...nothing new to report, except the cramping I keep having on and I know my period is coming soon.

Day: 11 - March 31st

Finally started my period.  Pretty normal first day for me on flow, but the cramping was out of this world.  I had to take more Ibuprofen than I had been used to taking in order to calm the cramping down.  Pretty miserable with that.  Other than the cramping, things seemed to be pretty much the same.

Day: 12 - April 1st

Suffered a bit from not getting sleep the night before my radio show and dragged more from the massive bleeding and cramping, but other than that...I was pretty much the same as the last few days before my period started.  Still heavy flowing and pretty bad cramps, but not as bad as the first day.

Day: 13 - April 2nd

My flow seemed to want to normalize to what it used to be for my 3rd day.  Am wondering if the Progesterone is starting to revert my period back to how it was before Peri reared it's ugly head.  I guess I will see how tomorrow goes and then judge from there.  Other than the whole period 'fun', no new symptoms or improvements to report.

Day: 14 - April 3rd

Well, I am at the 2 week mark and still keeping it up.  I feel like I am able to tolerate the Progesterone and am considering upping my dose after the first month is done.  We shall see.  But, so far, so good.

As for my period...I am pleased to say that it is trying to go back to normal.  I only spotted and it tried to go away through the day.  I was beginning to have longer periods and more heavy flow on more days.  If my period ends by tomorrow, I will be pretty much back to the old way it was.

Day: 15 - April 4th

Looks like my period is pretty much gone today.  Didn't need a pad all day, so that is good news.  I pray it stays this way.  Now if I could only get my period to come more regularly, that would be great.  Not counting on it, though...since I am in Peri and, eventually here, I would think the periods would spread so far apart I would be done any month now.  Over 8 years so far and I am sick of it!  Make it stop, God, PLEASE!

Besides the period...I found that I am EXTREMELY dizzy.  Not entirely when my hormones rise up after my period ends, I get dizzy, buzzy and twitchy, complete with heart palps, higher BP and pulse.  But this time the dizziness seemed a lot worse.  Perhaps I am still adjusting...only time will tell.  But it took a lot for me to leave the house and run all over the city to get my errands done.  I am glad I did.  I got home in one piece and the dizziness started to subside a little as I went.

Day: 16 - April 5th

More of the dizziness, but my period seems to be gone, other than occasional spotting here and there, but still didn't need a pad.  Looks like my period for this month was normal.  We will have to see what next time brings.

Other than that...still handling the Progesterone quite well.  But later in the evening I did start to feel a little blah with stomach issues.  I took my PepZin GI and went to bed pretty early.  Was up past 24 hours getting a lot of things done, so I think that affected my stomach, with a little help from my hormones settling down.

Day: 17 - April 6th

Was hoping that the rest would have made me feel better, but instead it only settled my stomach.  I woke up feeling even more blah and queasy.  Really felt like I was fighting something off, so I took Airborne, just to be safe.  My Brother has been around a lot and he seems to be the bearer of illness most times, that he passes down from his roommate who works around a lot of ppl.

After the Airborne and some time passed...I felt a bit better.  But my specific tooth with the deeper white filling has been in high gear since my period and the pain keeps shooting up into my right eye, above the tooth.  I know that hormones can play a roll in tooth sensitivity, so perhaps it's worse now that my hormones are trying to adjust.  Meanwhile, more Ibuprofen for me and de-sensitizing mouth wash, as well.  Will let you know if and when it improves.